life is a high-level game
The choice is ALWAYS ours! How will you PLAY the game?
We tune into this game through our body, mind, and Spirit. We MUST expand our consciousness to the connections between our physical symptoms, emotions, and organ function.
The secret “life hack” that will allow you to win this game no MATTER what the circumstances:
Faith that there are NO accidents! Faith that EVERYTHING is happening for a reason! Faith that EVERYTHING is happening for good!
Can you play at that level and CONNECT TO THE GOOD?!
five element consciousness
This framework maps the connections between organ function, emotions, Nature, and healing foods. We use this framework to expand your understanding of your underlying physical and emotional conditions. In addition, this expanded awareness and its application, becomes a tool for supporting your ongoing healing. I will guide you in this application one on one and through online resources. Dragon’s Way Qigong is the best way to begin to experience this connection.
Continue on for a deeper dive into this framework….
Emotions directly impact our body function. According to Chinese Medicine, all emotions have their place and purpose. They are Energy in Motion. It is important that emotions flow. Becoming stuck in our emotions disrupts our organ function, lowering immunity. Here are some creative ways to support this flow. These associations are the full spectrum of each emotion from stagnation to full expression. When we experience stagnation of an emotion, it is guiding us to a higher level of expression!
For More on Five Element Theory
For More on Emotions and Five Element Theory
Move that body, move the voice, tap into your ability to create music, art, write, no limits! In Nature, this is the energy of Wood/Spring: all things that grow! This is the power of Wind, Lightning, and Thunder! Nothing can stop this power to be seen, heard, breakthrough!
This is our Liver/Gallbladder!
Wisdom/Power/Life Force
Fear is guiding us to recognize the wisdom within. If we quiet ourselves, slow down, and tune in we can discover this truth. In Nature, this is the energy of Water/Winter: the time for rest, deep reflection, conservation. “Water is the softest thing. Yet it can penetrate mountains and Earth. This shows clearly the principle of softness overcoming hardness” -Lao Tzu
This is our Kidney/Bladder!
When we worry we circle round and round again, just like when we are waiting for a website to upload or a file to download. The pause of process has a purpose, staying in this cycle too long leads to stagnation. In Nature, this is the energy of Earth/Late Summer: the time for harvest. To move beyond stagnation, and process with greater ease, we have to upgrade our beliefs!
This is our Stomach/Spleen!
Refine/Shine/Let it Go
In Nature, control simply does not exist. There is only high level co-operation. Now more than ever we need to tap into this truth! This is Metal/Fall: the time for energy to begin turning in and clearing out what needs to be released so the cycle of life can continue. This is true for us emotionally and physically. What are you being called to let go of?
This is our Lung/Large Instestine!
Peace/Harmony/Total Faith
The pandemic is pushing us to open our Faith and Spirit connection to a higher level! It is uniting us together for a higher purpose. We must shift our collective consciousness from Fear to Faith. This is Fire/Summer: the time for energy to rest peacefully, in awe of its own unfolding. Holding the light of compassion for the process in its entirety.
This is our Heart/Small Intestine!