Taoist Emotional Cleansing
All of us were born with a natural ability to allow emotional energy to flow; however, at some point, we disconnect from this inherited power. Observe how children express tantrum energy with great ease moving from floor pounding (sibling punching) frustration to a flood of tears and a return to joy and play. We can choose to create a practice of Taoist emotional cleansing daily to exercise this gift.
Create a safe space where you can express yourself without limit.
The car works beautifully! Other ideas…underwater, into a pillow works in a pinch!
Phase One: Move the voice
During phase one allow your voice to move. Tune into yourself, focusing on your tension, frustration, fear, anxiety. Then manifest an image of what this emotional energy looks like within your mind. Finally, freely allow sound to be released. This may begin as grunts, howls, hisses, yelling, and screaming. Go easy allowing the energy to flow out of the throat. Our throat is a sensitive energetic location. If you feel stuck in your throat or develop hoarseness, practice Energy Gate One and drink mint tea (two bags) with honey. If you wish, you can put on a song the evokes your frustration and anger. I personally love “Shake it Out” by Florence and the Machine.
Phase Two: Allow tears
"One teardrop can wash away a thousand years of sadness. One teardrop can welcome a million years of joy” Taoist Proverb
Tears are alchemy. We take the invisible energy of emotion and we transform it into visible matter. We then release this matter, cleansing the body. Allow yourself to bend forward or crouch on the ground covering your face in your hands. This position helps the tears to rise. Again, allow yourself to envision an image of your emotional energy within your mind. If you wish, you can put on a song that evokes tears. I tear up anytime I hear the work of Max Richter.
Phase Three: Smile / Dance
Now that we have released emotional stagnation, we can move to a new level of peace and joy. Allow your smile to come from your Heart. Observe yourself in a mirror so you can feel the difference and see the difference when you smile in this way. If you feel moved to do so, put on joyful music and have a little dance party with your beautiful self.
Learn more on the Taoist Emotional Cleansing: