All conditions in the body, from a cold to cancer, begin at the level of energy. All conditions reveal patterns of energy stagnation. For thousands of years, acupuncture has been used to support healing. Very fine needles are placed in superficial locations along your meridian system. This stimulation opens energy flow at these locations. When flow is restored within the meridian system, function is restored, and healing will naturally follow.
As of 2022, I no longer practice acupuncture.
Discover the healing offerings of Well of Being.
Unlike Western medications that directly suppress symptoms and Western herbal supplements that replace something “missing” or force the body to cleanse, Chinese herbs support underlying organ function. These herbs work like acupuncture to create balance and allow your body to function optimally for healing the root cause of your condition. As of 2022, I no longer practice herbal medicine. Discover the offerings of Well of Being.
Meridians function like invisible highways connecting all the visible tissues and organs of the body’s systems, directly impacting organ function faster than the speed of light! As we are quite literally “energy grids,” we are connecting to all of life through this field. How energy is flowing within our meridians directly impacts our health and wellbeing AND how we connect in relationships, our work, with Nature, and beyond! Learn more>>
next steps
Dragon’s Way Qigong® brings the body back to a state of well-being. All health issues including weight gain, are signs from the body that it’s off balance. We know why and how to help you regain balance, restore quality health and enjoy renewed vitality. Once learned, you’ll have a new sense of freedom that’s yours for life.
You are always on the right path. The Four Energy Gates is your healing key!
In this one-hour workshop, you will receive an introduction to the energetic foundation behind The Four Energy gates and learn how to practice the gates daily to bring healing into your own hands!