Women’s Health
Fertility, Pregnancy, & Beyond
Menstrual Cycle
According to Chinese Medicine, the Liver is the organ energetically responsible for the flow of the menstrual cycle. The Liver helps us process stress, frustration, anger, and in general balanced flow of emotions. The Liver is about flexibility and flow in all aspects of life and the body. If the Liver energy is balanced, the menstrual cycle should come and go like the passing phases of the moon. It is an opportunity for the body to release and renew itself. Any physical symptoms (headaches, breast swelling/pain, back pain, digestive issues, mood swings, heavy flow, clotting) before or during the cycle are a sign of Liver energy stagnation.
Traditional treatments such as the use of birth control pills mask the underlying root cause and can contribute to further Liver energy imbalance over time. Acupuncture, acupressure, herbs, and Dragon’s Way Qigong are powerful tools to help alleviate menstrual symptoms and restore Liver balance and harmony within the body. In general, most Liver issues are related to “cold” energy stuck in the uterus. You can integrate warming foods and teas during the cycle to help release these symptoms. These include ginger, clove, cinnamon, scallions, fennel, and warm-cooked foods. Applying heat to the lower abdomen and using warming essential oils such as ginger or cinnamon or topical tiger balm are also beneficial.
Check out more on TCM World about Women’s Health
The Liver and Kidney energy together are responsible for fertility. The menstrual cycle provides a “picture” of the flow or lack of flow of Liver energy. Read the above section to learn more. Additional signs of Liver energy stagnation include migraines, seasonal allergies in the Spring, digestive issues, anemia, eye problems, and sports injuries. When the Liver is out of balance for a prolonged time it drains our precious life force, Kidney energy. Signs of Kidney energy imbalance include fatigue, anxiety, low back, knee, heel, or foot pain, any allergies (environmental / food), and auto-immune conditions. You can help restore Liver and Kidney balance to boost immunity with acupuncture, acupressure, herbs and Dragon’s Way Qigong.
Remember that conception requires TWO partners! Encourage your man to review the section on Men’s Health to maximize fertility and support overall health and wellness.
Read more on the TCM understanding and treatment of infertility
Pregnancy is a unique energetic opportunity for both mother and child. During pregnancy you “download” your child with their life force Kidney Qi. This is the energy foundation of the child’s health, wellness, and intelligence. Encourage your partner to review the section on Men’s Health as he too provides an essential aspect of this “download” for your child! For a mother, the body undergoes incredible transformation to support the developing child. The birth process is also a time of profound energetic shifts for both mother and child.
For this reason, tuning into your body pre-pregnancy, during pregnancy, at birth, and post-partum are essential aspects of a woman’s life cycle.
Creating balance and harmony within the body supports mother and child through this transformative time and beyond.
Pre-pregnancy, you can prepare yourself through acupuncture, herbs, acupressure, and beginning a self-healing program with Dragon’s Way Qigong. Because of the energetic combination of mother, child, and the process of pregnancy itself, I do not perform acupuncture, acupressure, or use herbs during pregnancy. However, you can support yourself with Dragon’s Way Qigong, healing foods, and specialized Qigong exercises for the symptoms of pregnancy.
In China, many women choose to take a full month to rest and support their energy with healing foods and energy exercises post-partum. Doing so helps support their future health and well-being. It is safe to resume acupuncture, acupressure, and herbs during this time, in addition to The Dragon’s Way practice. Breastfeeding creates high demand on the body, so boosting your energy in any way possible helps to keep the flow on all levels!
Learn more on Creating Qi Life
Grand Master Nan Lu has a three-part DVD series focused on a healthy pregnancy. You can access them through the images/links below:
Enjoy this podcast where I discuss with Alyssa Pfennig Chinese Medicine Tips for Pregnant and Postpartum Women.
In Chinese culture, they do not refer to the term menopause. They consider this transition to be an energetic opportunity to awaken to a new level of aliveness. Prior to menopause, many women have a significant focus of their energy on the creativity of the uterus and raising children. After menopause, if an adequate level of balance and harmony are present, this energy is opened up to new possibilities: a “second Spring.”
All of the symptoms we consider to be a “normal” part of aging and menopause, such as hot flashes, mood swings, and bone loss, are actually a sign that energy is out of balance. Whether you are in your 20’s, menopausal range, or post-menopausal, it is never too late to re-establish deeper balance and harmony with acupuncture and Dragon’s Way Qigong. Not only will you help to alleviate menopausal symptoms and associated risks such as Heart disease, but you also will open to a deeper state of wellness, freeing up energy to tap into your unique creative possibility.
The balance of Liver and Kidney determines your experience of menopause.
Click here to learn more on the TCM perspective on menopause
Heart Health
According to Chinese Medicine, the Heart is the King of all organs. All other organs will sacrifice themselves to protect the King. By the time someone has developed heart disease, there have been MANY warning signs of functional imbalance from other organs along the way.
The Heart houses our Spirit. Our Heart depends upon our Liver to allow Spirit to express itself through our work, home, and everyday living. If the Liver is flexible and flowing, it follows that the Heart is also flowing. In addition, the Kidney is responsible for maintaining co-operative balance with our Heart energy. Thus, nurturing precious life force is another way to ensure true Heart Health. So as you can see from this multi-dimensional framework a healthy Heart depends upon more than diet restrictions and exercise alone!
Dragon’s Way Qigong provides excellent tools to reduce stress, support Life Force, and connect to Spirit with Qigong and healing foods. In addition acupuncture and herbs can help address the underlying functional imbalances that can lead to Heart disease.
Learn more about the power of the Heart through this link and the one below this article “The Heart King of Happiness.”
The Body Never Lies.
Organ Function, Emotions, & Spirit: Five Element Consciousness
Did you know that every physical symptom we experience is actually a sign, an inner guide?! These guides are revealing where we are out of balance. Getting to know your guides is essential to empower healing within. When there has been a breast cancer diagnosis, much of our focus goes straight to the cancer. When we expand our focus and trace back to discover which organ systems became out of balance we expand our healing potential to the root cause.
The Five Element Consciousness framework maps the connections between organ functions, emotions, healing foods, and all of Nature! We are at our highest state of health and wellbeing when we are in alignment with Nature’s cycles. Explore more now through this link: Organ Function, Emotions, & Spirit: Five Element Consciousness