Can You Feel It?!
Connect to the Season
Deep within the Earth, an awakening has begun! Can you feel it?!
During Winter, the energy of Mother Nature draws inward. Winter is a time of rest, conservation, and preparation for the big show, SPRING!
The awakening begins quietly, beneath the ice and snow. The energy within seeds, bulbs, and roots begins to stir and rise up. If you listen and observe you will begin to notice these shifts! Can you hear it in the song of the birds? Can you see it in the buds on the trees? Can you feel it in the air?
Spring is the season of ultimate transformation and manifestation! This is the season of our Liver/Gallbladder.
This organ system supports us in processing stress, frustration, trauma, and balancing emotions. This organ supports our creative expression in all of life!
If your Liver/Gallbladder is in need of love you may experience migraines, menstrual issues, tightness, pain, and injuries of the tendons and ligaments.
Learn more about how to support your Liver/Gallbladder today!