Pounce into A New Year

The Way of the Tiger!

A 90-minute immersion to explore how to connect with your body’s signs, identify energy leaks, and practice intuitive intention setting.

Recording Now Available

A 90-minute Immersion to connect
Body, Mind, and Spirit

Every lunar new year offers us a new animal and a new element. These energies shape our experience of all of life. Just think back…

  • 2020

    The Mighty Metal Rat came wielding it’s sword and stirring up everything, everywhere at an individual and global level!

  • 2021

    The Determined Metal Ox arrived to plow through the debris of 2020 and prepare a new foundation.

  • 2022

    Welcomes the year of the Water Tiger. Tiger brings flexibility, power, patience, and presence. Tiger knows when to rest, when to wait, and when to seize opportunity! With Water, the essence is deep wisdom, life force potential, and the ability to shapeshift.

A Tiger must be prepared: have sufficient energy and clarity of vision before it can take action!

Though this power is present for all of us, consciously tapping into it will allow us to fully access this potential! We must begin with where we are at. This is an ideal time to do an inventory of your health and well-being.

Where are you leaking energy? What signs and symptoms is your body trying to communicate to get your attention?

What are your intentions for the year ahead? Do you see opportunities on the horizon or is it stuck, cloudy, murky?

In this 90-minute immersion, we will explore how to connect with your body’s signs, identify leaks, and practice intuitive intention setting.

Leading a heart-centered life can feel heavy when we’re stuck in lack, not feeling good in our bodies, or not having a clear vision for our life.

In my practice, I use the Five Element Consciousness Framework where everything is connected. Everything is energy, and when there is stuck energy our bodies and our outside environment, like our relationships, can start giving us signs.

Our heart is said to be where the Spirit lies. Think about Spirit, it’s where we say “I love you with all my heart.” It’s the connection to creativity, abundance, Source/God, our Soul.

If we have energy stagnant, each of our other organs will step in to support and help us find the joy of life, and connect back into our Spirit.

In this 90-minute retreat not only will you learn about what is being offered to support you throughout this next year, but we’ll be connecting to purpose. The purpose of your life, the purpose that is you. Get clear and set intentions for your year with heart!

Does this sound like something you need to get clear about what you’re bringing in for this year?


I've Been There!

There was a point where I, too, hit a wall. During this time, I faced a dilemma that I could not wrap my mind or heart around; I felt stuck. This challenge began to impact me physically and emotionally. It was as if a sludge had taken over my usually vibrant being. I lost my appetite; I could not sleep; I was depressed; I experienced bloating, migraines, environmental allergies, and painful menstrual periods.

A 90-minute immersion to explore how to connect with your body’s signs, identify energy leaks, and practice intuitive intention setting.

Learn to harness this power to elevate your creativity in all of LIFE! In this retreat, I'll show you how.

Reduce Stress

Strong liver energy allows us to be centered amid chaos and see the infinite paths and possibilities.

You can use this energy to tap into your ultimate creative expression across multiple points in your life, including your home, work, AND within your body.

Overcome Anxiety & Fear

When your kidney energy is high, you become strong and fearless! If you begin to experience scarcity of life force, you may feel like you do not have enough to take on and face daily life.

As anyone who has had the opportunity to work with Melissa knows, her practice embraces your whole being: acupuncture, herbs, and Dragon's Way Qigong. I immediately sensed Melissa was with me, reflecting my reconnect with my inner physician. I began to feel the interdependence of all my body's systems. I recognized everything is energy, and I began to step into the universal source of all energy. Every cell in my body began to harmonize with divine flow.

Lee Glasscock - Client

One time

Why tune in to this transition?

Everything is energy. We are energy beings and are continuously receiving/responding to the energy around us, whether we recognize this or not! This transition to Water-Tiger holds powerful messages and support for your health and well-being in 2022. Tuning in through conscious intention and energy exercises will allow you to tap into that power!

set conscious intentions.

The energy of our experience is in a constant dance between the invisible and the visible. Winter is a time when Nature tunes in, deeply reflects and sets her conscious intentions for Spring. This process is necessary for the quiet “invisible” energy of Winter to manifest as the explosive visible transformation of Spring!

We are one with Nature.

By following this process of reflecting and bringing “invisible” intentions to the visible level, we tap into our power to manifest those intentions into reality!

Integration & Beyond.

In our human experience, this process is never one-and-done. We circle and cycle continuously: diving deep / reflecting / processing and returning to the surface to visibly create / transform / manifest. You will be able to return to what you receive through the slides and practices to support you all throughout this year and years to come!


My slides to reference throughout the year as you integrate what you’ve learned.


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I'm Dr. Melissa Laborsky.

Nice to Meet You!

I empower those feeling stuck on their personal health journey to awaken the connections between body, mind, and Spirit. Through integrating the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine with modern science, patients and students will discover that the key to wellness lies within!

My experience as a practicing physician of Western Medicine will serve as a framework for understanding the whole picture of your healing journey.

Pounce - Into A New Year
One time

It is My divine purpose is to help you create an energy foundation that will restore your vitality, reduce stress, and support healing from the inside out.