I’m Melissa! I help women stop feeling STUCK and

start feeling FABULOUS!


    Intentionally engaging our creativity as a practice can build your connection and relationship with your intuition.

  • Feel Good in Your Body

    Align your energy body with your physical body through the powerful, energy movement practice of Qigong.

  • Jumpstart Your Healing

    Accelerate your mind, body, and spiritual healing through aligning energy daily and connecting to your intuition.


  • Chronic pain

  • Constant fatigue

  • Digestive issues

  • Sleep disruptions

  • Feelings of overwhelm



  • The Dragon's Way Qigong®

    In this 6-week series, you’ll immerse in the wisdom of Five Element Consciousness, healing foods, and Qigong, an energy practice that accesses the Meridian network through specific Meridian stretches and standing postures.

  • TCM World Events

    All programs are based on the core belief that everything is energy and all energy has consciousness. Within the cycles of life, there are no accidents and everything is connected.

  • Events with Grand Master Nan Lu

    Grand Master Nan Lu bridges the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine to our modern life. The content of his website and live events supports you in the practical integration of this wisdom for health and wellbeing.

I get it…discovering true healing can be challenging.

There was a point where I, too, hit a wall. I was experiencing a dilemma that I could not wrap my mind or heart around; I felt stuck. This challenge began to impact me physically and emotionally. It was as if a sludge took over my usually vibrant being. I lost my appetite; I could not sleep; I was depressed; I experienced bloating, migraines, environmental allergies, and painful menstrual periods.

My body is full of wisdom and my biggest enemy isn’t the wrong food or the anxiety I have labeled for myself or the physical symptom floating to the top, it’s not trusting myself. She has taught me time and time again, to notice and not judge. To be curious and playful, not harsh and so rigid.
— Kristin H.

dragon’s way qigong

6-weeks to transform your health and empower your life through ancient healing practices

Stop Feeling Stuck and Start Feeling Fabulous

  • Take the Quiz

    Did you know that our Liver supports us in processing stress, balancing emotions, and expressing our creativity?! Take my quiz to check your Liver Health, and learn more about how you can take your power back and discover your healing potential.

  • learn & practice qigong

    Dragon’s Way Qigong is a full system of healing that gets to the root cause of imbalances. This program helps you reduce stress and rebuild energy. Our goal is to teach you how to maintain a healthy body, and enjoy a healthy life. The system includes Qigong practice, eating for healing, and lifestyle guidance. The benefits you receive are yours for life.

  • Transform Your Health

    Put wellness back into your own hands through the power of ancient healing practices.

Every symptom tells a story.

Every physical and emotional sign is a guide. These signs and symptoms have many levels: Body, Mind, and Spirit. We address healing at all of these levels through the framework of Five Element Consciousness and the energetic meridian system using the tools of acupuncture, acupressure, Qigong energy exercise, and healing foods. From a modern angle, my approach is a quantum functional way of healing. Through integrating the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine with modern science, patients and students will discover that the key to wellness lies within.

Take My Free Quiz
are you leaking energy?