Chinese medicine for Menopause
In Chinese culture, they do not refer to the term menopause. They consider this transition to be an energetic opportunity to awaken to a new level of aliveness. Prior to menopause, many women have a significant focus of their energy on the creativity of the uterus and raising children. After menopause, if an adequate level of balance and harmony are present, this energy is opened up to new possibilities: a “second Spring.”
All of the symptoms we consider to be a “normal” part of aging and menopause, such as hot flashes, mood swings, and bone loss, are actually a sign that energy is out of balance. Whether you are in your 20’s, menopausal range, or post-menopausal, it is never too late to re-establish deeper balance and harmony with acupuncture and Dragon’s Way Qigong. Not only will you help to alleviate menopausal symptoms and associated risks such as Heart disease, but you also will open to a deeper state of wellness, freeing up energy to tap into your unique creative possibility.
The balance of Liver and Kidney determines your experience of menopause.
The Body Never Lies.
Organ Function, Emotions, & Spirit: Five Element Consciousness
Did you know that every physical symptom we experience is actually a sign, an inner guide?! These guides are revealing where we are out of balance. Getting to know your guides is essential to empower healing within. When we expand our focus and trace back to discover which organ systems became out of balance we expand our healing potential to the root cause.
The Five Element Consciousness framework maps the connections between organ functions, emotions, healing foods, and all of Nature! We are at our highest state of health and wellbeing when we are in alignment with Nature’s cycles. Explore more now through this link: Organ Function, Emotions, & Spirit: Five Element Consciousness